Off This Cliff.

I breathe deep
this moon staring me down.
Cold air blowing the hair in my eyes
maybe it's better to not see anyways.
My heart beating in my ear.
I think I fell for you today.

Remember when I told you I was terrified?
Of the dark, trust, and you?
It made me come all out,
your eyes.
Hugs all day.
I like yours better then others,
I think I told you that once too.

I step on this cigarette that burned my fingers twice.
If I didn't know better,
I would say that I'm avoiding what I'm feeling.
Thoughts coming into view of the stars
maybe it would finally be you
maybe it would finally all be OK.
If I didn't want the fall to be so terrible,
I would believe what I'm thinking.

Your hands.
Musician hands with callouses and roughness.
I love them.

This hope of a flame dying with the night.
Daylight pulling the flowers up through the dirt.
You open the door and smile at me.
You have my heart between your fingers.
What the fuck was I thinking?
For falling off to you.