I Don't Love You

I don't love you
That's the simplest way to put it.
you can try and change my mind all you'd like
but my mind is un changable.

I can't keep letting all of this go on.
Pretending to like you
pretending to have feelings.
But I just...don't.

you can't hate me for not loving you
you can't blame me for not wanting to hug you
You can't discourse me from your life just because I didn't agree to live this lie for you
It can't go on like this anymore

There has to be another way
this can't be the only path
i don't want to be a heart breaker but
what do you want me to do?

I'll take off today,without looking back
I hope you don't follow me
I have to start off new with someone I love
I can't keep living this lie