The Road.

Darkness presses at the glass
Begging to be let in.
Stretching on for miles in front
And behind you
Leaving you feeling utterly alone.
Lights nearly blind you, for a split second
And then they're twin red eyes
Fading away
And looking suspiciously like two globes of blood
Dripping from your eyes.
You're alone again.
Why don't you let the darkness in?
It's midnight.
You're alone.
If you moved the wheel
Only slightly
You'd be in the ditch
And no one would even notice.
They wouldn't care.
The road is empty and dark,
Smothering you
With it's nothingness.
Beside you a lake looms.
Pretty. A dark mass inside an even darker
Living mass.
You move the wheel.
And then there's light and even if it's only for a brief moment
You know you're not alone.