In death

When I was 5, My life was full of fairy tales, Happily ever afters and a Prince charming.
I got told my my mother that Happiness was the key of life.
And I held on to that key as tight as I could, But somehow, It slipt away.

when I was 15 and things have turned around.
Santa Claus and unicorns are the memories I want back.
I'm covered with the lies, deceit, Secrets and Drugs you have raised me into.
The happiness my mother told me of, the happiness of a smiling family.
Even though it may be fake, Was real enough for me. Is just a dream.
Lies are shouted, but apologize are whispered.
Is this what my mother wanted for me?
Is this really what she wanted me to be?

I'm now 21 and things are getting worse.
The drugs and lies are pretty much my life.
I have no job and my family doesn't want me.
I wish I was 5 again.
I search for the key to happiness at the bottom on every bottle.
But now i wish someone had told me years ago that happiness is not at the bottom of a bottle. But in the bottom of our hearts.

I wish someone had told me that, cause now.... I found my happiness... In death