If you were love I wouldn't know what to do...

If love were a lightning bolt
I want none
It hurts, and shocks you
Nothing turns out the way planned

If love were flowers
I want none
They take to much time and eventually die
You never know their life span

If love were glass
I want none
They break and show the outer beauty
You never know what you will see

If love were you
If love were me
We’d fight and argue
You never know what love is until truly you never find it

Love Is everywhere not in holding hands or kissing lips
But in the clouds in the sky or the pollution in the air
Love harms but softens you

If love were something real
Maybe I’d want it
Maybe I’d feel
The bolt of lightning can be healed
There is always new flower and
The broken glass can be put back together again
Love is a feeling
We are people
Love is people
♠ ♠ ♠
i know its a bit weird but i guess it means a lot to me