Suicide Train

The passes by me every day.
Filled with all the lost and dead souls.

Choo Choo!

I can hear it coming.
All the cries and moans of pain and despair.

It stabs my heart like a knife.

The steam from the engine is really the souls attempting to escape.
But they are always captured again.

All aboard!

My life is nearing the end.
Soon I will be dead.

Once I get on that train there is no turning back.
So do I think about what I am are doing when I get to the station.
No I don't.

Am I ready to die?
Have I lived life to the fullest?

I step on the train and decide I want to get off.

But I am already dead!

The conductor says "Welcome to the Suicide Train! Where all your worst fears haunt you for eternity! Welcome to Hell! There is no turning back!"

Chuga Chuga Choo.

I am dead.
Now there is no turning back.

I stepped onto that train The train that leads to suicide.