Is there a way to say what I am thinking?

Is there a way to say what I am thinking?
Is there a way to tell you that.....

I care about you
I am here for you
I want you to be able to do what you want to do
you dont have to be scared
you are perfect the way you are
you don`t have to wish to be anything but what you are
~you are the hardest thing to write a song about~
I love the way you talk
there is no other guy like you
the way you smile melts me
I am sorry for repeating everything I said in the other poem... xD
you make me feel better when things are tough
you are always on my mind
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment!! haha sure i am not a good poem writer, but its a good way to get things off of my mind.... xD