
Love me or hate me
U told me that u love me
I told u the same thing
U said lets have sex
I said OK but lets get married first
U slapped me and then
I cried 2 sleep

The next day I asked
Why do u hate me
U said I don't hate u
I love u forever and forever
And I then I for gave you
U then pushed me on the
Bed and kissed me
I kissed u back and
U unhooked my bra
That's when I screamed

U tape my mouth and
Took off my clothes
I pushed u and tried to
Remove the tape
U then tied my hand
And began to fuck me
I tried kicking u
But u tied me down
And pushed harder
I kicked again and
You pushed even harder
Until I finally gave up

When u were done
Seeking Amy u untied
Me and said lets play
Seeking Amy again