Stereotypes And Class

I wear dark clothes,
And too much shadow,
My eyes they looked covered,
And yet i ask again.

Ask what i hear you gasp,
I ask,
Why have you put me in this caste?
The answer was,
I’m stereotypical.

You bastard i say,
Don’t tie me to other types,
I’m who i am tis all i’ll be,
So don’t stereotypically class me.

So what if i wear dark clothes,
And wear too much makeup,
I’ll be judged for how i act not how i look,
So shove that up your crook.

Your wrong said he,
The one who classed me,
Your judged for how you look,
Not how you act.

Lies! i cried,
Lies? not me,
Replyed he,
I tell the truth all round you see.

If thats the case,
Then who are ye?
I am the general public,
The average joe,
I’m the middle as far as class goes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please!:)