A new beginning..

It's over. I can tell from the pain in your eyes and the dark in the sky that danger is coming. Sweet nothingness now fills my life and guess what? I am now dying. I have waited all this time for peace and now it picks me up when I do not choose to fall. Is this punishment or a reward? God please give me an answer. I am waiting and I am wounded. Is this what I get for following the poisioned boy? He promised me good futures. Who was I to know any better? Please God come quickly, as the poisoned boy has left me broken. I feel no warmth in his presence, but he feels nothing but pleasure as he breaks my fragile bones under the hands that once led me away. Did I deserve this? Is this what I get for letting my young soul go? I should have known better and I am willing to learn..Is this what it feels like to die? No, no..This is what it feels like to live. A sheltered life calls for a big surprise in the end. So take my broken hand and lead me. Any where is better then here. Pure sunlight and warmth consumes me. And I am finding no pain in this start...
