Alice In Wonderland...

I bet you feel a bit like Alice, Alice in wonderland?
Seeing things you would only dream of ?
Have things happen that just carnt be real?
Everything is moving so fast, it rushes past and only glances in your direction like that odd rabbit . That You only got a fash of what he looked like.

And the gardens so green and lush but dont touch... You find your self tangled into a weave of thorns cutting your beautiful dress. A bit like your old life, you would see something beauitful and when you got enough corage to look at it more closely and even try to touch it , it would lash out at you cutting and ripping you to shreds.

As you grow...Everything and everyone around you becomes smaller and smaller, and now everone is looking at you, and of course you dont want that. You dont want others to see what you see to know what you think. But still as you skrink back no one ever seems to look away from your face, ever.

Oh Alice I know you must be lost in there some where If only I was there we could get lost together. If you got hurt I could help you up and we could look at all the odd things and creatures together not scared of what maybe around the next grassy couner.

I wish the gates would open to me Alice so I could find you, the fun we could have.. And the trouble we could get into together. Dont be scared Alice it's all make believe...Trust me.
Oh I hope you would let me into wonderland where we could see all the wonders of this odd land because... Who knows whats possible in Wonderland Alice ?

Helena. xo