Jaylee Marie

Jaylee, if I could see,
I would look at you.
I want you to be near me.
So I could spoil you.

Jaylee, if I could speak
I would talk to you,
Strengthen you when you’re weak,
Help you when you need me to.

Jaylee, if I could listen,
I’d hear your problems,
I’d wipe away the tears that glisten,
And make your eyes sparkle like gems.

Jaylee, if I could touch,
I’d hold you forever.
I love you so much,
I’d stay with you forever.

Jaylee, if I could smell,
I’d inhale the sweet scent of your skin.
And if you ever fell,
I hope you’d let me in.

Jaylee Marie, I don’t know you,
But I want to.
I may never know you,
But I will always think of you.

Jaylee, I love you.
I may never get the chance to know you,
But I will still love you.
Even if I never get to know you.

Jaylee, tell your mother,
Even if you never meet me,
That I will always love her,
And I hope she always remembers me.

Jaylee, if it happens that you know me,
Remember I’ll always be here.
You’ve got a friend in me.
If you ever need me, I’ll be near.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jaylee is my best friend's little three month old baby girl. Today, December 1,2009, is her three month birthday. I cried writing it, and I still cry when I read it. I've never met Jaylee, and I haven't seen my best friend in months, simply because of distance. I hope to meet Jaylee and see my friend soon, but I don't know if that will work out or not.