
This is a poem for you, my brother
whose determination and spirit, like a fire,
light the dry tinder around you.
This is for your loving character,
your presence in my life
that is felt whether you're here or not.
This is for your fatherly grace,
your devotion to your family, your wife, your children,
that still somehow shows you love us, too.
This is for all the times you've made awful jokes
and made me laugh anyway
when I was determined not to.
This is for your undying bravery,
that survived even when mine had passed, facing death,
conquering the questions.
This is for your knowledge and love,
when you read to me as a child,
spinning stories of dragons and magic rings and Hobbits.
This is for the times we've talked
and your infinite attempts to get to know me,
trying again even when my teenager takes over.
And this is for your admittance and humanity,
reminding us that everyone makes mistakes but
they're not all so bad.
This is for your religious beliefs, that help me
with my own.
This is a poem for you, my brother,
my own helpful, brave teacher,
Because you inspire me to be more.