Something I Can't Explain

Before i was a ghost,
broken hearted and lonely
You sewed my heart back together
before i even knew.
You were as beautiful
as an Eagle,
so unique and strong,
you had the brain
so big and smart
it scared me half to death.
You did so many favors
i tried to return them back,
but so many i tried and failed
it makes your soul fade away.
you saved my life a million times
i couldn’t have had anyone better.

You made me laugh,
and listened to every word,
i said and cried to you.
When i felt down
i ran and hugged you so.
When i got too mad i took you and we ran.
You ran so freely
it hurt me so
but for some reason
it was so great.
The feeling was so amazing
i couldn’t possibly explain
but somethings are not meant to be said
just felt and experienced until it ends.
Again and again i loved you more
it felt like it wasn’t returned
until you were close to heaven,
it seemed you loved me more.
I told you again and again
i would be here if you need me,
but the more i listened
the more i didn't know how.
I promised to you, i will never let you go
until i heard last evening
you had to go and leave
to someone small and young,
i couldn't bear to think of you
for i would surely die.
When you leave up stairs
you’ll take my heart with you.
I always wished i could say goodbye
but now i doubt i’ll get the chance,
you’ll always be with me
and i hope i will too.
i hope you’ll be happy
and deep down i will too.
If you can’t be happy
i’m sure i wont be.
I miss you already
and please remember me
i’ll be calling your name
and when i come to meet you
i hope you’ll be there waiting.
my love to you is something
i will never completely explain
and no-one will understand
but as long as my heart is sewed
you will still be here.
though you never knew my name,
I will love you forever and ever, Christina <3
♠ ♠ ♠
i miss that horse! she died not that long ago... i think it was on Novembe 2nd 2009