Love Is Over Rated

I cant look into your eyes anymore
I didnt see them the first time you took my hand
You danced with my heart played games with it as I played games for dinal.

My friends tryed to warn me as I ignord them
As my heart danced.
One night I found out there was another Inbtween us
I couldnt belive it my world came crashing down.
I confronted him and he played games of dinal and lies
I looked into his eyes
And the green emralds I thought that were mine Were
Iced over as all the lies hit me.

I pushed him away and ran away aiding my heart from its fall.
Till I relized "Heartbreak Is An Unwanted
Rule Of Love"

So Now I take a needle and thred sew my heart back Together now giving it some out who will hold and love it
Like I love them....
~Pure Hikari