Insted of helping me you hurt me

You were my sickness, But I still loved you

You were my Pill, But I Still Loved you anyways

You were the needel that dug under my skin to try and figure out what was wrong with me. trying to kill the Venom that ran threw my viens...

But you didnt know your digging and tests were hurting me......

I started to act like the sickness was gone and hid the venom that sill runs threw my viens, and you stopped with the needles and you became peaceful like the silents that roams threw my head...

But now you try to help make me stronger but the coldness only kept me distant, the hate only pains me and the anger scares the point were I dont talk to you anymore...I think I rather you were my pill....

I think I rather you be the annoying hurtful meds then you being the cold hateful angery person you are now....

What the hell happend?

I loved you when you were the sickness but now I hate you for being the hating painful person you are now.......