TO a jerk

Stuck in sticky situations with stupid tongue twisters
Making your tongue tied, when it's supposed to be glued to her mouth
Treachery to the best friend, all to save your sorry ass
But you just couldn't help yourself to her best friend
Now you put the blame on her friends, when the guilt has already set in

I don't see how the fault is on us, you should be praising us
for keeping your secret this long.
Aren't you the one who made the moves on her best friend?
Think about what you say before you speak
Because your the cause, we're just the reaction.

Mr. Melodramatic, save your stories for the gullible
And don't try to act like it never happened
It's insulting how dumb you find us, when your the one
who can't take a hint of rejection.
And when you couldn't catch a date with the girl you couldn't have
You'd go to your girlfriend for affection.