
why does he like her?
Why doesn't he like me?
Why. Why. Why
Will anyone ever like me. Tolerate me?
Give me a chance.
I can be like them.
But then you wouldn't love me for who I am.
I would never date or even give that person a time of day who doesn't like me for who I am.
But then, i feel like i love you. I feel like your the only one who could take my mind off of the other person.
Now I'm stuck.
The one who could take my mind off of the other likes someone. Not me. It isn't a surprise. No one likes me. No one ever will.
I'm just fat, ugly, and stupid.
Guys will never look at me.
I may just be putting myself down by I'm looking at the truth.
Here i am, listening to this stupid love song.
Over and over and over again.
I cant stop. It's not even that good, but that's what makes it beautiful.
Am I like that song?
Not even good but that's what makes me beautiful?
Impossible. I'm not beautiful, nor will i ever be.
I cant believe I could think that.
My attitude? Is that it?
Is it bad? Whats wrong with me? What can I do to make you love me?
I would do anything. Anything at all.
Just...give me a chance. Please.

I can be what you want. I would love you and you could love me.
It would all be good right?
Just to have you hold me in your arms.
whisper in my ear you love me.
And know you'll love me forever.
But then, nothing like that would happen.
You'll never love me, it would be to good to be true.
I shouldn't hope, I should just quit.
Its stupid, I'm only a kid.
Why should i worry about these things?
I should because i care.
I want to be looked at, even if it's just for a second.
A minute. An hour. A millisecond.
Anything, just for your attention.
Just to see your eyes, locked with mine.
Just to see you give me your small attention you will forget about me in a second.
When I'll remember you forever.
Cry about you, think about you, dream about you.
When you, don't even remember my name.
It's worthless.
Just like me.
It's all worthless.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, kinda terrible.
I wrote it with my eyes closed.
Just let my mind write it.
It's something I'm feeling at the moment.