Save me

I cant kid around anymore.
There is no one left to fool,
I'm tired of acting like I'm happy
When deep down I'm breaking apart
The more I let it go on
The less I recognize myself.

I hate this feeling
I hate how you make me feel now
I don’t know what to do.
I tell no one how I truly feel and
Bare to keep it all in.
Even you don’t know the truth

Every night, I lie awake thinking
What if, what if things were different
What if, we never changed
Would it still be this way
Would I be hurting just as bad.
Would I be losing the me I use to know
Would things still be the same.

I cant bring my mouth to admit the hurt
The pain
The anger
The rejection I feel all inside
All I can do is curl up in it
And slowly let it eat me away.
I don’t know where to turn to
I don’t know who to go to…

I just want someone there
Someone who truly cares…
Someone who can
Save me…
♠ ♠ ♠
:/ i dont know anymore ._.