
To many I'm an outcast.
They treat me as I don't belong in this world,
act as if i've done so much worng,
not even all the rights in the world could fix it.

I'm an outcast because;
I dress differently.
I listen to different music.
I look different.
I don't look like a natural (prep) girl.
I'm myself.
Not someone people want me to be.
I'm not a follower.
I'm not a leader.

I'm me. and nothing will ever change that.
If you can't accpet me for me,
then I guess...
You'll have to get over it.

I'm not going to change for anyone.
Not my mother.
Not my friends.
Not my peers.
Not my teachers.
No one.

I am who I am.
Try to change that?
And it won't happen.
I won't change me for the world,
I won't change me to fit it.

No one will ever change me.
Nothing will ever change me.
Don't like it,
get over it.

I like being different,
it's better.
i like to stick out.
Because, i'm me.
Not some one wants me to be.