What You Do to Me

When I feel the daily tensions mounting
Taking over my spirit
Giving me a headache
Making the air like electricity,
I sit back and think of you
And what you do to me.

And slowly
My head feels too heavy
And it falls back,
Rolling to the side.
I roll it the other way
Inadvertently revealing the marks you gave me.

I blow a big gust of air
Which sends the hair covering my face
Flying to the sky.
I cannot help but imagine
You pushing my hair back
And tasting me.

My arms and hands go limp;
I cannot even twitch my fingers.
My legs are paralyzed.
My toes are unable to curl.
This complete state of relaxation
Is like when you satisfy me.

A smile graces my face
And I feel like laughing.
Never before have I ever understood
Such complete contentment.
Yes, my friend,
This is what you do to me.
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