
This time I'll go away
Not for long--
Just for a couple of days

These rainy days turn dark gray
The raindrops falling sing a song
In the end I'm the one to pay

For now I won't speak what I need to say
But doing this at all seems wrong
Just for a couple of days

Through this world I'll make my way
It's with these thoughts I'll stumble along
In the end I'm the one to pay

I'll come close to you if I may
I need only to remember to stay strong
Just for a couple of days

You see me here-- I'm fragile clay
And I've been doing this so long
Just for a couple of days
In the end I'm the one to pay
♠ ♠ ♠
It's about a girl who goes to get the one she wants even after being shot down once. I really like it, actually. It wasn't as hard as my teacher said it would be to write one, but I was bored, so who really knows? :]