His eyes

Lovely one, out of reach dream,
my arms ache to hold you,
while my eyes scream to take you in.
My head tells me to run, to hide, its wrong,
my heart tells me to close this gap, cut off my pain.
I reach out my arms, stretch my fingers, only if it is one touch.
I can see his dark mocha eyes,
searching for me.
Can this battle in my body ever retreat?
my head and my heart strangle my thoughts,
they make it unbearable.
I drop to my knees,
he reaches out to catch my falling body.
The pills kick in, I can feel my chest
rise and fall quickly as my lungs collapse.
My heart races as I drift away,
The eyes, his eyes that haunt my dreams,
will haunt my spirit, reminding me of him.
My body lies in his arms,
hopeless, lifeless, loveless.