Wait, wait, I can't breath...

I'm not as innocent as I may seem
not so sure of my direction,
not so sure if I'm still in your possession.

I still can't explain myself.
I don't know myself.
Trapped in this slow moving creature,
much too heavy to leave,
I tried so hard not to wear you on my sleeve.

But what was said was said,
what was done can't be undone.
You'll think me a fool,
I'll think you a prude.

I still can't make out why the world seems to be spinning,
so quickly.
I still worry for the things that aren't there anymore.

And as I gasp for air,
as I cling onto the floor, hoping I won't slip any farther down,
my only regret is being conscious.
My only regret is you not being so self assured,
not being here.

In the morning I could still make out the shadows that haunted me
It seems so silly.
But in the morning I still could not walk without you.
I collapsed into nothing.

Falling harder than before,
faster than any speed I've gone.

I fell...