Moving Forward

The widening of your eyes,
the tears pulling at the lids.
He's broken all ties with you,
and left you with the kids.

Your chest burns in pain,
pushing you to your knees.
And the sound of the rain,
drowning out your pleas.

All you do is pity yourself,
crying out your sorrow.
When you should be moving on,
looking forward to tomorrow.

You got three beautiful kids,
that need you more than ever.
Look at what he did,
you four deserve better.

Keep moving,
moving on forward.
'Cause you never know,
when things'll move backward.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, well...idk if this is really a rhyme. I have no idea what poem types are. So since mine kinda rhymed...that's what I put. Haha. It's not a great poem but I'm proud of it still. This was one of my few successful rhyming poems. :]