Hungover And Out Of Order

Dirty liar looking for some place to hide.
Dirty little cheater looking for some time to buy,
You're fake and a disaster
is this what you wanted it to come to?

You've got your cut throat grip wrapped around him
because you still want to feel him against your skin.
No one can see it leaking out your grin
So I guess I'll keep playing innocent for as long as I can.

I feel so dirty and left out in the cold.
But no one told me about the hang over,
I just want to be sober...

Get a grip,
get a life,
get your phone and get out.
Get your pathetic self up off the floor
and call anyone who will hear you out.
Get your dazed self out on the dance floor and show them
what you think you're all about.

I can't look anyone in the eye
my own are stinging so bad I think I might cry.
Really, someone get me to the hospital,
someone put me on a stretcher,
I can't walk myself out of here.