I Love You

You don't know..
how much I love you....
How much I need you...
How much you make my heart stop..
Just by saying three words...
How much I wish
You were here with me now...
How much I miss you.

I Love You,
Three simple words..
That'll NEVER explain,
How much you actually mean to me.
I Love You,
I do.
With all my heart,
and won't stop..
Till the day I die.

I Need You,
I need you here,
By my side...
Holding me tight.
I Need You,
To realise how much,
You actually mean to me.
To hold my hand..
And make sure everything's alright.

You're The Only One,
That can make my heart stop..
By just saying three words.
You're the only one,
that makes me get butterflies,
When I hear the sound of your sweet voice.

I Wish You,
Were here with me now..
So I can forever be in your arms.
I Wish You,
Lived near...
So you could wipe away my tears...
That I shed for everytime I realise,
You aren't here.

I Miss You,
As odd as it may seem I do....
Thoo I've never actually meet you.
I Miss You,
I really do...
I can't stand....
being away from you.

Loving you means,
I will till the day I die...
I will.
I'll have to use those three words,
To describe the way I feel...
Then I will.
Loving you means,
I will.

Needing you means,
I have to wait..
For you to be here,
To hold my hand tight,
To make sure everythings alright...
I will.
Needing you means,
I'll have to live with that,
You won't EVER trully understand,
what and how much you mean to me....
I will.

Your the only one that can,
Make my heart stop by just saying three words..
I'll live, and deal with,
How you give me butterflies everytime,
I hear your sweet voice.

Wishing you,
were here with me now..
To forever be in your arms..
Means I have to wait...
I will.
Wishing you,
Were with me now,
To wipe away every tear I shed,
When I think that you aren't here,
to wipe them away...
I'll wait till you are.
I will.

Missing you means,
I have to wait a year or two,
To finally be with you.
To stop this emptiness inside I feel,
Because you aren't here...
I'll wait.
I will.