Go Away... Come Back

You walked away, "tired of the drama."
We gave you your space, let you breathe.
Pretty soon, you made your way back.
We thought you'd stay, and return the love.

Turns out, we were wrong.
You met her, guess who you abandoned?
We were left outside looking in,
Awestruck that you slammed the door....

Right in our faces.

Do you finally hear the phone ringing?
Pick it up and hear that horrible dial tone?
That would have been us,
Finally giving up.

We called and called,
Hoping you'd answer.
But by the time you did,
We moved on.

I vowed to you I'd stand by you,
Hoping you would return the promise.
You never did,
And I'm not too surprised.

I told you what I thought,
Told you when I knew there was something wrong with me.
All you could say was, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
Thats all my best friend could come up with?

You think you're part of the family,
Think we all love you so much.
Sorry to burst your little bubble,
But I absolutely hate who you've become.

You tell me you love her,
Expect me to listen,
Yet when I need help,
You're all out of advice?

I make a comment,
And you accuse me of "forgetting"
Forgetting what?
I don't know enough about you to forget.

You say you want to stay the same,
But it doesn't seem like you're trying too hard.
Seems like you're doing your best to change.

People trusted you,
To be by them, to care.
You mutter "I'm doing my best."
But if this is your best, it isn't even worth it.

You walked away, "tired of the drama"
We gave you your space, let you breathe.
Pretty soon, you made your way back.
We thought you'd stay, and return the love.

But we were wrong. We were so wrong....
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is super old, but comments are appreciated. =]