best friend

They say a girls best friend is diamonds,
but in all truth it’s the girl you can tell everything to.
I wouldn’t be half the person I am today,
if it wasn’t for your help and support.
Telling you things makes the weight on my shoulders disappear,
and I feel a whole lot better afterwards.
You make me laugh like a little kid.

In the rough times life throws at us,
its your best friends that help your through it.
They make us who we are today,
and that’s all we need to survive.
I am so glad I can call you not only my friend,
but my best friend who I can always come to.

If I told you something you kept it secret,
If I did something wrong you’d fix it.
when you’re not there to save me,
I feel lost empty and incomplete.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is about my best friend :D