Reality or Fantasy

Lost between reality and fantasy, in the middle or a dream and a nightmare...
Am I ment to be excited or terrified? Can do I know how to feel when im falling... Fall from realtiy and down the long dark tunnel of fantasy. Can I get out or do I have to fight my way out?

Are all these images in my head just a figure of my lost imagination or the figure stading behinde me breathing right down my neck maming the hairs in my neck raise with pure fear?

Is this a game? Roll thew dice once get a 6 win back your sanity roll a 1 and lose your whole fantasy... Who will win in the end ? Who will lose and have to stand in wonderland?

As my fanstasy grows I am consumed by it I can feel it I can even fucking smell it... Its a cage for my sanity the longer it is in solitary confinement the shorter it's tether becomes.

Lost between reality and fantasy... How do I tell each other apart? Fantasy can be kind and only things you could dream off happen... Reality is harsh and is true to it's word; Make the most of it becasue it will slip away from you the second you look the other way and when it's gone I feels like you ahve been ripped in to... so which would you choose?

Reality or Fantasy?