A Year Without a Christmas Tree

This is not going to be the first Christmas
without my father.

Usually on Christmas Eve dear old dad
would drink till he couldn't stand.

Christmas morning I'd find my father passed out in
the nearest bed shirtless with his arms wide.

But this Christmas he won't be snoring on my couch,
he'll be in some woman's arms.

This year my mother doesn't to put up the tree.

Is it because she's too busy?
Or is it she doesn't care anymore?

There is no reason to be World's greatest
mom any longer.

I'm not going to ask or beg
for it to be put up.

I don't want to dig it up from
it's christmas grave.

Just the thought of
it makes me lazy.

One year without a christmas tree
isn't going to hurt anyone.

It's just a stupid tree
with stuff on it.

So a drink to my dad.
Where ever he is.
Thanks for the abandonment, Merry Christmas.
♠ ♠ ♠
this was for my theater arts class. hope they dont think im a wreck. i just wanted to posted here. hope it's good ^-^