
You turn to them when you have a secret
You turn to them when you need a hug
You turn to them when you want a shoulder to cry on
You turn to them when you want someone to love

They’re with you through your first breakup
They’re with you when your heart breaks
They’re with you when you just can’t take the world
They’re with you when you want peace

When you need a hug
When you need some love
When you need some laughter
When you have tears to shed

Someone to laugh with
Someone to talk with
Someone to cry with
Someone to fight with

They’re always there
When you need them
They are so important to you
But they don’t even know it

They’re your best friends
Through thick and thin
And when worse comes to worst
You always have them
♠ ♠ ♠
Something I had to write for english class..decided to publish :D