My Love, Most Violent

Welcome to the boudoir,
my unknown abattoir.
Evil smiles in chagrin,
your lips pressed against its skin.
Oh, how ignorant is bliss
when complied with death's kiss?

Seduction and allure;
his "precious" little whore.
All around the world stained red;
From the wall, to my clothes...
to the sheets on this bed.
Mama should've warned beauty would get you no where,
'cept cold, dead, and bloody; killed without care.

Oh, how
suicidally beautiful you are!
Prettied with makeup to
hide all your scars.

Oh, how
it feels to truly be owned!
Slaughter and rage,
ravenously condoned.

Whether heaven-or-hell-sent,
you are...
my "love", most violent.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love feedback and comments, just like every other person.