On The Inside

What’s on the outside pleases the mind for the moment being
In the long run, the outside is beautiful, yet cruel
If you look on the inside you’ll find a persons true self
Before it is to late to turn back.

What’s on the inside pleases the soul for an eternity
In the long run, the inside is beautiful, yet sweet
If you look on the outside, you’ll find a mirage of satisfaction
Until they reveal their true identity

What you see is a choice
A choice to see beauty and cruelty
Or beauty, love, and compassion
If you look the other way you see nothing
But a lonely world awaits you the other way

Never judge a book by its cover
For if you do not take the time to read the first chapter
You’ll never get to the happy ending.

Never leave without exploring what’s inside
For if you do you will never find the golden treasure
That lies within.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was bored and wrote what came to mind.