Love of your life reaction

When I first saw him it made me have butterflies,
I felt like this was just a dream or I was just going to die,
I got to know him very well and I wanted him to be mines,
The day I let him be all mines through a text message my heart became actually there,
Until we date after awhile he wants no one to know about us two,
People gossip so I didn't really care about what people thought of what they have seen right there,We are just a normal for awhile and I miss him so much,
Then I come to find out in a text message a break up,
I thought he didn't care about me but he did,
He just wanted to be friends like good old times because he didn't feel right at all,
When I cried and cried he tried to cheer me up,
But my heart is broken and I'm upset what do you expect from love between two teenagers.