My Best friend

Life is difficult without one...
One to be there till the end...
But I am glad I have found mine...
The one I call my best friend...

He was always there for me...
When I would run and hide...
from this horrible pain,
that would always regain,
that slowly grew inside...

My life was a total mess...
Filled with sorrow and distress...
With the great weight of disrespect...
My emotions was something no one could detect...

Until he finally came along...
That I've felt very strange...
My heart had once again felt strong...
and thats when my life had changed...

We had promised we'd be there till the end...
and without a single hint of regret...
We told eachother we were the best of friends...
and then I knew my life was set...

The thought of our seperation is dim...
and some may wonder how...
But it is because of him...
That I am who I am NOW...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is mine and none of this is made up or copied...