
Love is like a song,
You just go along,
But usually it doesn't stay that way for a long time,
Because he probably did you wrong,
Then one day you listen to that song,
He thought about what he done all wrong,
Then he has waited way too long,
She is all alone,
Every time she listens that songs it makes her wanna cry,
Because it reminds her about him,
You just feel like you want to die,
Your not showing any pride,
You just want to lie about how your feeling inside ,
Now you turned out to be pretty shy,
He comes back for you one more time,
He says sorry for when he did you wrong,
You dream of him every night,
You wish you could just try take a peek at your past,
Now all you can do is relax,
You miss him so much,
He misses you so much,
He doesn't diss you and you don't diss him,
Sometimes you both make each other mad,
But the fairy tales say you will stay together always and forever.