
Why do you trust me,
When all I do is lie
Straight to your face,
Decieveing every person in the room,
Even those who claim to know me oh-so-well?
And why do you believe those lies?
Those lies,
Those carefully kept secrets
I wish you could figure out,
And find the hidden truth buried so far beneath.
So why don't I just tell you myself
And forget about all of the lies,
The secrets,
And decieving smiles?
Because I can't,
Because I won't,
Or maybe,
Even because alittle of both.
So just let me lie,
Let me live the rest of my pathetic life
In this pretend world of mine.
A world created by words,
A world becoming more and more real with every sentence,
A world where I crawl deeper and deeper into this dirt hole
I dug all on my own.