That's When I Love You

I wish I saw you everyday.
I wish I had more to say.
But when we text and when we talk,
that's when I love you.

We have our own song,
we have our own jokes.
We love each other's faults,
and love our insecurities.

I wish I saw you everyday,
I wish I had more to say.
But when we text, when we talk.
that's when I love you.

No one gets how we work,
no one understands our silly ways,
but I know they don't have tom
not when I have you.

I wish I saw you everyday,
I wish I had more to say.
But when we text, when we talk.
that's when I love you.

We're so strange, so weird,
but we love each other equally.
I dare them to stop us,
because we'd just laugh.

When we finally say goodnight,
or at least goodnight for me,
I miss you already, more than you know.
You're on an opposite coast,
and I'm here on the east.

You're the Tiff to my Scar,
and that's when I love you.