Nothings Ever Wrong

Slowly, I break.
Breaking down inside,
Only wishing to cry,
Yet instead of tears streaming down my cheeks,
A smile lights up my face.
The kind of smile that never seems to reach my eyes,
My eyes full to the brim with water
That won't dare to turn to tears.

I laugh, along with others,
Not about the the kitty scratches on my wrist,
Or the next stupid thing I did,
But instead,
Thinking about how easily people are tricked.
If they only knew...

I talk and gossip,
As if nothings wrong,
As if my day was never turned upside down,
As if I'm happy being here,
Chatting up a storm,
When in truth,
I wish everyone would just shut up
And leave me to fall to pieces on my own.

Yet I can't,
After all,
Who will be there for me
To help pick up the pieces
If everyone else's world is breaking too?
With too many lives screwed up
Mine will have to be put on pause,
So please god,
Let me save the drama for later.
Later on when I can cry and close my eyes,
Without having to paste
A fake smile on my face.