The Dark Side of Evil (4 Parts)

The Dark Side of Evil:
It feeds on the weak
And tears into the young
Biting the soft flesh
Of the innocent
Draining them of their blood
The corpses collapse
On the floor
Smiling at you
The dark side spreads
And you’re next

The Even More Dark Side of Evil:
It stares you in the eyes
Then proceeds to
Rip off your arms
They shrivel up
And sink into the black abyss
You fall down
Dead and defeated

The Darkest Side of Evil:
Hell is your home now
But fear not
The bloodied, rotting corpses
Walk the plains
And suck the happiness away
A heart lies on the dirt
It beats again
Blood and puss ooze out
Cockroaches, leeches, worms
Drawing over the mangled corpses
Still feeling pain
Eternal damnation
Isn’t all that bad

The Fourth Dimension of the Dark Side of Evil:
Unicorns running in the valley
Pixies playing hopscotch
Dandelions growing in the field
Endless rainbows pouring into a pool of smiles
Pure hell