My Best Friend...

My best friend; always there to make me laugh;
To listen, to cry, to live, just to be.
If you harm me, oh, her wrath, for
her rage is the deadliest thing to see.
My best friend, my guardian, loving and
ever kind. When life gets rough she's always
there; to support me when I cannot stand.
Though she gets older with each pass of days
I cherish every single breath taken.
Each day is a gift spent in her presence,
a flash of paradise that is given,
each bark, every growl, like tiny presents.
How odd, the people think, that last verse was.
the wonders the friendship of a dog does.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Kyrah, who saved me from my own insanity. Without that dog, I'd surely be dead now.