Guys Are Like

Guys are like..
The wind.
They come and go as they please.

You don't know if they'll always be there.
If they'll always stay there.

You don't know if they actually like you..
Or if they just want you for other reasons.

You can't tell,
If they're there for you.
Or for another purpose.

You don't know when they'll be there.
How strong they feel for you.

They'll be there one day.
And then not the other.

They'll say they like you one day..
And then the next they hate you.

Guys, at times..
Can be wonderful.

Like a light breeze,
on a hot summer day.

But then they can be..
a pain in the ass.

Like a windchill,
on a freezing winter day.

But also..
they can be alright.

Like a slight wind,
on a fall day.

Guys are a pain.
Guys are alright.
Guys are wonderful,
but not all the time.