I'm Just Like You

Emo isn't just about
blood,tears,death, and skulls.

We are just like you,
but with better clothes and
more emotion.

So what if we cut ourselves?
It's only because we have
problems that you
wouldn't understand.

Everyone needs to get forget of their
problems, even if it's
for a little while, and cutting is one

When you insult or tease
us, you are scaring
us emotionally AND physically.
We ARE normal people!

We bleed just like you,
we can smile, laugh, get hyper,
fall in love, get heartbroken,and cry.

So what if we cry more than you?
We have a right to, just like you do.

So what if guys wear eyeliner?
If they feel comfortable, than
who are you to tell them that they look
like a girl or are gay. They should
be able to wear whatever they want,
and nothing else should

Labeling is stupid and
shouldn't matter. We weren't
put on Earth to label.

My best friend is what
labelers call "prep"
and that hasn't gotten in the way of
our friendship.

People need to look
beyond the clothes,
and get to know someone BEFORE
they label or judge them.

I love my best friend
and I wouldn't want him to
change. If he likes
who he is than so do I.

People need to stop
teasing "emos" or anyone
else for that matter.

If you don't like someone
ignore them, don't be rude.
How would you like it if they
teased you?

Next time you want
to tease someone think about how
YOU would feel if they did that
to you,
your best friend,
cousin, sister, brother,
niece, or nephew.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written Feb. 10, 2009