I Never Thought

I never thought I could hate someone as much as I hate you.
I try not to hate you, but I still do.

You're always mean and try to act nice, and act like you love me
when you really despise me.

You hate how I am, since I'm not like you.
My face is a reminder of everything you hate.

How can I be honest if I fear you, despise you, loathe you, and at the same time
love you.

I never know why you hate me. You treat me worse than a dog. When I try to kill myself it's always because of something you have done.

You can't love me, you pretend to.

If you were at my funeral you'd cry and put on an act and once you were alone you'd throw a party.

I can't stand you, and yet I never thought you'd be the reason I would rather kill myself than go another day living with you.

Even though we fight, my sister is the only one that I can love.

I would give my life for her even if that meant that I had to die.

I honestly think God punished me by giving me a mother like her.

I would rather burn in Hell than live with her.

I keep telling myself only three more years and I'm out on my own.

Anything is better than Hell on earth.

Why would God punish me?

Have I done something wrong?

If I have, then I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

I feel like I'm the Devil's daughter. I wish I was, then maybe, just maybe he's be better than my mother.

I never thought one woman could make me one to kill myself.

It seems that that is the only way to escape her.

I hate her, but I hate myself even more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written July 10, 2009