
Let the cool sharp metal pierceyour skin and slowly drag it's ridge edge from left to right. Watch the skin pull and slowly slice open, the fresh air findes it's way into the newly made wound and makes the skin burn. As you throw the heavy knife over your left shoulder hear it make a light 'plunk' sound as it connects with the wooden floor.

Lay Back And Enjoy The Ride My Friend...

Feel the warm, thick, unclean blood prikel over your sweat covered skin. Let your eyes roll back into your head and feel the pain twist and turn.

Remember It's All In Your Mind, Baby It's All In Your Head...

Suck in and push out short tight breaths of oxygen. Bite down on your lip till it seaps blood too. Roll your tongue over your lip to catch a bit of blood, lift it to the roof of your mouth and taste it. It's metalic taste lingers in your mouth.

Let the muscles in your arms and back relax as you settle into the pain. It seaps away with your blood. Everything seaps away with your blood; the lonelyness, the hate, the pain.

But the weakness lingers as does your fucking existance...