It's Not Okay

You act as if everything's okay,
As if everything's as it was before,
As if I was never the one you betrayed.
Walking past you shoot me a smile
And chat among your friends,
Yet nothings the same anymore,
Nothing will be the same ever again.
I watch you laugh,
A grin upon your face.
How can you even think of smiling,
When you were screaming
Only a day before?
Maybe to you that seems like forever ago,
But to me,
Its as if it only happened,
The moment still replaying over and over in my head.
Thinking about what you said,
And what I should have yelled in return,
Yet remembering,
No words made it past my lips.
So how is everything okay
If I still feel the hurt?
If I still remember?
And if no one ever apologized..
How can it all be forgiven,
If theres no apology to forgive?