House of Cards

I'm playing cards everyday,
I'll always be the queen of the day,
even when I don't get my way,
it's my house of cards.

It's my opponent's turn,
I'm feeling impatient to see his predictable move,
I think "this is up to you",
and this is where you have to choose.

My queen never fails me,
when it doesn't count a pair of legs spares me a plead,
hearts drool for my pretty set of aces,
aces laugh to see their stupid looking faces.

Clovers are pretty stuck up,
I teached them a lesson so they would shut up,
their mouths dropped once they saw my game,
if I was in their shoes I would've done the same.

Finally it was the last round and my opponent was good,
a diamond set to defeat me and stared at me from where he stood,
its stare was nothing compared to what I did next,
I won, the game was over and the cards were set.

Now, I have a whole house of cards.
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i likd it..hope you did too