You Can't Love a Dead Boy

You can’t miss what you never knew

Can’t smile at an absent face

There’s no one to come res;cue

‘Cause you’ve already left this place

And in this place you seem to linger

A phantom of what you were

Chokes our lives with an icy finger

Numbing; it’s all a blur.

The hallway is a church isle

The locker; a symbol of your grave

Both constant reminders;

Of the boy we didn’t save

The noose around your neck

Red ribbons from your razor

Shattering song of your shotgun

Drowning; Drifting; Deeper

Funny how we love you more

Isn’t that the way it always goes?

You didn’t mean this much to us before

Just another set of eyes. A mouth. A nose.

But now thoughts of you writhe beneath our skin,

As the realization slowly sinks in

You’re like an abandoned toy,

You just can’t love a dead boy.