What is This Thing Called Crying?

Tear, tear
Fear, fear
Why do birds fly?
But why do humans cry?

There are many reasons
For every season
From the cold
Of its holds;
From the heat
Of its defeat

Scream, scream
Screech, screech
Why don't birds fall?
Why don't humans try at all?
Its the same
For why people crash from fame;
It is unknown
As if the bird has flown
Hundreds of miles
From the city of denials

Cut, cut
Gut, gut
Is what many do
But really its only a few;
You can't really tell
If they were really going through hell
If you don't look behind their disguise
You might find them at their moment of demise

Still can't tell you why humans cry...
♠ ♠ ♠
Just wrote this poem in math class when i felt like i was at the verge of cry in front of my friends.
Just like the poem, i have a disguise for my emotions, so nobody knows of what im thinking. (its really good to have a maskade sometimes, but not really all the time)\